Welcome to our first post in our new website

Anthony, Dad, Trinity

Hello, my name is Julio Lopez Jr. I am 47 years old and I love sports. I played baseball in school and during the summer for sandlot leagues. There was no travel when I was a young child.  Now I have a wonderful family who love baseball and softball just as much as I do. Yanira played softball when we first met. Yanira’s team was the first team I ever coached, and to my surprise I loved every moment of it. I coached her team for about two years, and then we had our children. Luckily enough both our children love to play the sport as well.


Anthony, our first born is such a sweet soul, who has a wonderful sweet personality and is a awesome baseball player. He started playing baseball during the tee ball days. Anthony is going to be 15  this November. I’ve been his coach since. I’ve been very stern with Anthony and have made sure he has gotten the guidance I never did at his age. Today he is becoming better than I was at his age. Anthony currently plays for his HS JV team and our 15u travel team. Through hard work, dedication, and the will to get better, Anthony has come a long way and I am eager to see how far he can go. Trinity, our beautiful daughter who is tough as nails and doesn’t take stuff from no one is also a great ball player. Trinity started playing baseball one year after Anthony started. She played a couple of seasons with Anthony until she moved on to play softball with girls her age. Unlike Anthony, Trinity was a natural at the game. Sure she practices, but she doesn’t have to work hard. Trinity will be 14 this coming January and is currently playing on our 16u team along with our 14u and her J.V. high school team. I have been coaching Trinity since she started playing.


Through the grace of my children I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to stay in the game that I love so much and experience all the joys and gifts that come with coaching. Some would say that coaches are teachers. I can agree with that, but add on and say that coaches can be students as well. Sure, I have taught ball players how to play the game, but my ball players have taught me a thing or two also. In life, we have to be open to learning new things. It shouldn’t matter where or who we learn them from. Baseball and softball are the best sport to use for life lessons. They also teach us how to be humble. If you want to be good at this sport, than you have to work hard to get good. Once you get good, you have to work even harder to stay good. Once you’re consistent at staying good, then you have to work even harder to get even better than rest. It’s a constant competition, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Some days you’re red hot and some days you’re ice cold. It’s the same for coaches. This game will prepare our ball players to “Be Great and Live Their Best Lives”. I get to help them get there as their leader, their coach


This is my first blog here on this new website. I tried to keep it short and sweet. Look for more blogs coming to the site very soon.


Write to you all soon


Universal1 (a.k.a Julio)

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